PREpare Oversaes
Oct 12, 2023
The Research Training Program (RTP) provides block grants to higher education providers (HEPs) to support both domestic and overseas students undertaking research doctorate and research masters degrees, known as higher degrees by research (HDRs). Funding is provided on a calendar year basis.
The objectives of the RTP are to:
provide flexible funding arrangements to support training domestic students and overseas students undertaking HDRs at Australian HEPs
deliver graduates with the skills required to build careers in academia and other sectors of the labour market
support collaboration between HEPs and industry, and other research end-users.
Students can be offered RTP scholarships for one or more of the following:
tuition fees offset
a stipend for general living costs
allowances related to the ancillary cost of HDRs.
From 1 January 2017, the RTP replaced the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA), International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), and the Research Training Scheme (RTS).
RTP scholarship periods of support
RTP scholarships are available for a minimum of 3 years and up to a maximum of 4 years at the discretion of the HEP for students undertaking a research doctorate at a full-time student load, and for a minimum of 6 years up to a maximum of 8 years for research doctorate students studying at a part-time student load.
For students undertaking a research masters, RTP scholarships are available for up to 2 years for students studying at a full-time student load, and for up to 4 years for those studying at a part-time student load.
RTP scholarship applications
RTP scholarships are administered by individual HEPs who each have their own application and selection processes. Students need to contact HEPs directly to discuss how to apply for an RTP scholarship. Prospective students may choose to apply for an RTP scholarship at more than one HEP.
Further information
Please see the RTP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for students and administrators for additional information on the RTP.
Guidelines, conditions and calculations
Australian Government funding is provided through annual research block grants to eligible Australian HEPs in accordance with section 46-20 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA).
The Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017 (Guidelines) provide the legislative basis for the provision of funding to the RTP and prescribes the conditions that apply to RTP grant amounts.
The 2023 RTP grant amounts allocated to eligible HEPs is based on a formula that is reflective of their overall research performance.
A detailed guide to calculating RTP grant amounts is available.
Research Training Program stipend rates
Each year, the range for RTP stipend rates for the following year is announced by 1 October. The RTP stipend rate range is effective from 1 January. The table below details current and recent RTP stipend rates.
More information can be checked with the link